
. . . to Deep Down Depot!

Greetings, fair traveller! I am known as "Emily," shopkeep of this quaint web-based establishment. When I am not fashioning rare items for my uniquely exquisite customers, my hands are elsewise busy crafting fanciful pictograms, weaving whimsical illuminated tales, and puppeteering strange little characters through my many mystic screens.**

Please, dear customer, stay a while, and have a look at my fine wares!

[ **Heya! I'm Emily, an hobbyist illustrator & cartoonist presently working outside of the arts. Big fan of manga, Nintendo games, &getting way too into fictional characters.

This shop is by no means my livelihood, but I like the idea of connecting with the small group of people excited about my work by making it tangible, accessible, and unique. Items will be produced in small batches, so if you do purchase something, please get in contact and let me know your thoughts!

&Thanks for stopping by! ]